About me

About me

I'm Lucas de Oliveira (@lucasxciv on most social media platforms), a software developer since 2013. Over the years, I've worked in various areas of software development, but I've primarily worked with backend tasks using PHP. Currently, I work as an independent software developer and consultant, based in Cruzeiro, São Paulo, Brazil.

I began formally studying programming in 2011 through a technical computing course at ETEC. In 2012, I started my degree in Information Technology with an emphasis in databases at FATEC, where I delved into topics like data structures, algorithms, advanced database systems, data mining, neural networks, and more.

In 2013, while still in university, I had the chance to start my career in the software industry as an intern working on an intranet system for a big company. That was my first real job using PHP. In 2015, I joined a post-graduation in web and mobile development, where I got to work with some of the latest technologies and build a great professional network. That same year, I also earned the Zend Certified PHP Engineer certification.

As a software developer primarily working on web applications and APIs, I've often found myself working on other parts of the product as well. I've worked on frontend tasks using SPA frameworks, set up continuous integration pipelines with cloud tools, contributed to mobile and desktop apps, helped with cloud platform deployments, built automation tools, led development teams, etc.

I've been working fully remotely since 2018, and since 2021, I've been collaborating with international teams, communicating asynchronously across different time zones. I've also contributed to open-source projects, gaining valuable experience in community-driven development. Speaking of community, from 2018 to 2020, I co-organized the PHPVale User Group meetups in my local area.

That's a bit about me as a software developer. I'm constantly learning and improving my skills, and I really enjoy building software that solves real-world problems and helps people streamline their tasks. If you'd like to get in touch, feel free to connect with me on any of my social media platforms, or you can email me at mail@lucasxciv.dev.